Know the importance of breastfeeding your child - ALOOFNEWS

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Know the importance of breastfeeding your child

The Health Site

Have you ever wondered what makes a healthy child so healthy? Mothers always strive to keep their children in the healthiest best state, they don t bargain or compromise when it comes to the well-being of their child. But does this come with a cost? Do we need to put the supplements and processed proteins on the dinner table? Is it necessary to adopt modern man-made foods to stay healthy? To answer all these never-ending myths, Dt Ankita Ghag, clinical Executive, InBody, Mumbai, suggests one thing - breast milk!.
Breast milk is the one stop shop to suffice the overall needs of your baby for six months and this is what will help it to transform and grow into a healthy and strong being. In other words, it acts like a placenta post-birth and it is the direct supply of unobtainable nutrition directly from the mother's body to the child. Here, Ghag decodes it further.
This wonderful mode of nutrition helps your child to be strong internally by boosting the immune system, keeping all the dreadful problems at a distance, problems such as childhood Obesity, Diabetes, gastrointestinal-related illnesses like Indigestion, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, ulcerative colitis and respiratory disorders like cough and cold, pneumonia, along with heart and liver diseases in adulthood.
has had health benefits for the mother as well. According to research, women who do not breastfeed are at a higher chance of risk for Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Breast Cancer, ovarian and endometrial cancers.
So, feeding your child not just helps the child to grow, but it also ensures good health for the mother, it helps build a stronger bond with the baby, stronger bones, release of the happy hormone Oxytocin and has a soothing effect on your mood. Breast milk contains calories in abundance, thus it pumps up growth in the baby and flushes down the existing calories on the mother helping her in reducing her extra inches contraction of the uterus.
Doctors often advise lactating mothers to modify their diet and lifestyle in order to produce more amount and high quality of breast milk. This modification in your nutrition chart brings along foods like herbal tea, dry fruits, jaggery, dates, spinach, tomato, beetroot, garlic, carrots, flax seeds, fruits and vegetable soups which we would have hesitated to eat based on what our current lifestyle is...

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